Everything you loved, and more
29 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I would say that this film is rather strange, but then again it is Austin Powers so that sort of goes without saying. Well, I have now rewatched all three Austin Powers films, and I have to say they are actually pretty good. A part of me didn't like them back in the day, namely because of the heavy sexual innuendo that was present in the films, but these days I have lightened up a lot and I have come to really appreciate just how good these films are.

Sure, they are a parody of James Bond, but the thing is that they are a really, really good parody of these classic films. In fact, while there have been a number of attempts to parody the most successful film franchise in history, no-one come anywhere close to the skill that Mike Myers has managed to put into his trilogy. Mind you, the fact that he plays multiple characters in the film goes to show just how great he is. Actually, I suspect half the reason he does this is because he probably couldn't get actors to pull off the characters the way that he wants to.

The interesting thing he does with this film that he bookends it with a parody of the parody. It is a film called Austinpussy, and he has famous actors playing all of the characters that he plays in the franchise, and some more. Like Tom Cruise plays Austin Powers, and Gweneth Paltrow plays Dixie Normas. Yeah, I just love the names of the characters in the films, even if they aren't innuendos, such as Basil Exposition - the name relates to the fact that the M character in the films simply exists to provide exposition.

While this film is rather old, and pretty everybody has probably seen this film, there are some lovely twists in this film anyway. Micheal Caine appears as Austin's father, and we have the main antogonist, who doesn't happen to be Dr Evil, Goldmember, whose name came about because his member was turned to gold in an industrial accident. The other cool thing about these films is how Dr Evil's submarine actually looks like Dr Evil. Oh, and also the fact that Dr Evil's plans are just so ridiculous, despite the fact that Number One tends to have much better ways of taking over the world, simply adds to how ludicrous the film is.

Yeah, this franchise is actually pretty awesome, and this film is no exception, especially the scene at the end. Mind you, while there are suggestions about Scott Evil becoming more evil, it has more to do with him becoming ludicrous like his father, as opposed to being evil, but also rather rational. Like, the sharks with lasers on their heads. Yeah, I have to admit that I love this film, and thinking about it certainly does bring a smile to my face.
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