Incredibles 2 (2018)
26 September 2021
I gotta admit, this somewhat did live up to the hype of the first. This movie is absolutely great. Just nonstop supreme entertainment with awesome and innovative animation. I had a really hard time giving this a 9/10 on here, but my score barely rounds to it so I gave it the benefit of the doubt (just because I love the incredibles). No wonder this is Pixar's highest grossing film, this film had the most sequel buildup I think I've seen outside of Marvel and Star Wars. The trailer literally got like 150 million views, the second most on YouTube, second only to Avengers: Infinity War. We waited 14 years to see what happened to the underminer at the end of The Incredibles. My one and only major problem with this movie was that it was actually somewhat forgettable. Like I can't remember a lot of the scenes that happened. The first one felt perfectly executed and very memorable, literally every scene has something iconic about it. This one, however, has a lot of meaningless scenes that I have since forgotten. In conclusion, Incredibles 2 does not have the magic of the first one, but is still extremely fun and nostalgic, and definitely worth a watch.
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