The Booze Cruise (2003 TV Movie)
"If I were a rich man"
25 September 2021
5 blokes nip to Calais for cheap plonk in the days when it was allegedly cheaper, to buy the stuff in France than in the local supermarket.

This first episode of the trilogy introduces us to a number of family situations and we. Glimpse further edges to the relationships.

There is the happy family man Dave Bolton with his ever loving spouse, the lovely Cath the perfect couple.

There's Dave's best mate and fellow Booze Cruiser Rob along his significant other Leone, and his male proclivities.

Another ingredient is the Rainer family husband Clive his spouse Ruth, and their thoroughly spoilt daughter Chloe.

Any more for the skylark?

Rather there are the pensioners Grace and Maurice, who live somewhat adjacent to Rob and Dave.

Indeed they all reside almost cheek by jowl with one another, though they are separated by more than distance.

These are the main or principal ingredients but its how they stir together, that makes this a great and enjoyable jaunt.
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