CNN Tonight (2014–2023)
You might as well watch Soviet Pravda or commit yourself to an asylum.
25 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
CNN now means Corrupt News Network or Communist News Network, and sissy journalist Don Lemonhead is at the front of this dumpster fire. Don was on the other night, basically telling people if you are unvaccinated, you deserve to be thrown out of society, not receive benefits or medical care, and you are just no longer an American citizen. The audacity and arrogance of these buttholes is beyond the pale. "Do what we say, as told to us by our corporate overlords, or we will take the roof from over your head." I can't believe these morons live in my country, founded on individual liberty and common sense, while drawing a fat paycheck to treat us like slaves. If there is any justice in this world, Lemonhead and the others on these "News" outlets will be licking ketchup off the bottom of a dumpster while fainting from everlasting diarrhea, like that which flows from their lying mouths. These people have been caught pushing fake narratives and videos so many times, it is pathetic. Maybe Don can take 45 of the vaccines and shove them up his butt, since I hear he enjoys doing this anyway, and make billions more for big pharma and help the elites further control, extort, and enslave humanity for their NWO purposes.
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