War of the Worlds: Episode #2.6 (2021)
Season 2, Episode 6
Cue the Doctor
25 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode finally puts the timey-whimey cards on the table, though I believe it has been obvious since the aliens were revealed to be humans with British accents. As we are dealing with quantum time streams and multi real implications, in another reality it's right about now that Jon Pertwee's Doctor Who would appear, get caught up in the unfolding maelstrom and explain to Jo Grant (while they were both prisoners of one side or the other) about the fine "predestination paradox" mess the foolish humans have gotten themselves into. Hopefully there's something more to it than that to come. This plot worked okay back in Day of the Daleks in the early 70s but in a post Inception/Tenet universe it's well short of worthy of Wells. Time will tell...
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