23 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watching the trailer I wanted to see this so much, finally an Aussie film with heart, but NO it was NOT executed correctly.

The script needed so much more, especially emotion.

I loved the casting between the main guy and the girl, great actors and great chemistry but that's where it stops.

The film seems to want to go on this road-trip but not much really happens.

Why does a 10 year old girl suddenly just GO with a stranger because she's sick? No kid even younger would do that and that's where you lose me, that happens in the first 10 minutes. As a parent this is so far fetched, just ask anyone. You could have come up with a more plausible idea.

The film tries to pull emotion from a ring that the main character got from his mother and uses flashbacks to try and make us feel sorry for him.

The kid's illness is never talked about in detail, so vague so we don't ever know how serious it is, even though we are told it is and he goes to great lengths to get her meds. Where are the real obstacles or stakes? Like having the girl nearly die? There is great witty banter and the young girl is such a gorgeous little actress , she's going to be a star.

David Field is wasted here in a silly role, and behaves like no police ever wood. And the police just shooting the main guy without any real reason just so we can have this so called big epic showdown. There are so many cringe worthy moments.

Shot beautifully, with great locations but the idea of it being in 1999 is absolutely pointless , it lends nothing to the story. Its well made but no real effort was made to bring in a professional writer.

And what about that homeless guy? That was the worst character in the film, he had no real reason to be there, cut him out and you lose nothing. He's a great actor from all the films I've seen him in but he was NOT utilised here well at all.

This is a feel-good film with no real stakes and contrived storyline. It could have been so much more, but budgets don't limit the mind. You had the budget to travel across Australia, it would have been better spent on the conflict and obstacles.

The actor who plays the father of the girl shows NO real emotion for losing his daughter, just ANGER.
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