Lots of wheat among the chaff
19 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watched all the episodes over a couple of days and found the actual material fascinating. Granted, the commentators are for the most part true believers and much of their gushing, over the top reactions overstate what the AI finds. But at the same time the professional debunkers dismissing it as merely second hand confirmation fail to acknowledge the first hand accounts that were tested, including audio and video from Marcell, the most important witness. As some one who has read a great deal about the Roswell incident over the years I would have been surprised if the AI had not found him truthful. Skeptics also fail to give weight to the consistency and number of the second-hand accounts. Granted, people can only attest truthfully to what they were told, but when they were told that by closely related officials actively involved at the time, and their accounts match in even small detail, it means something. No, the AI itself is not perfect, but nor is it without scientific merit. It's generally accepted that the AI used is 90% accurate, which is why it is utilized in both intelligence and police work. Those who are willing to approach the subject with an open mind, rather than as die-hard skeptics or true believers, will find the show both fascinating, and entertaining. One thing we know for sure. The government lied about Roswell repeatedly over the years and continues to maintain secrecy around it even today. Anything that contributes to the pursuit of truth should be applauded, and followed up.
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