Review of The Guilty

The Guilty (2021)
Cannot rate this Hollywood remake SMH
16 September 2021
Haven't seen this and don't care about the back lash I receive because I'm so irritated that I'm compelled to write this...immediately thought why are you doing this Hollywood?!?! Ruin another great international film and embarrass yourself to what end?!?! I actually love Jake Gyllenhaals' acting. However, I was blown away by the Danish film found by searching through overlooked and many trailers of foreign films in 2018. Recommended it to others that equally shared my feelings. I didn't care that I had to read subtitles, I find these films done better and well acted than most English speaking movies. How many times do you try your hand at a remake before realizing you are no match against the original? Not saying it will be terrible, but I don't see the point in taking it in unless I'm bored. All I'll be doing is comparing the 2 films like I did with the Girl Who series. If you want to watch this version don't bother watching the original and if you do and find something wrong with it,then you are the reason why Hollywood remakes movies. Don't be a dummy downer.
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