Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Together (1958)
Season 3, Episode 15
"This woman's not drunk. She's dead!"
11 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know how Tony Gould (Joseph Cotten) expected to get away with the murder of his mistress Shelley (Christine White), even if he made it out of the office he found himself locked in. He left his fingerprints all over the place and never made an attempt to erase any of them. They were on the phone, the windows he opened, the doorknob, and that's just for starters. And if killing his girlfriend wasn't bad enough, the guy was so evil he was willing to frame the owner of the business who's identity he assumed by putting on those glasses. So it was really no surprise when the cops showed up, courtesy of the woman across the alley who Tony hailed down. There's really only one moral to be taken away from this story, and that's to never rely on friends who are alcoholics. Good old Charlie (Sam Buffington) couldn't have shown up at a worse time.
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