Party of Five: A Little Faith (1997)
Season 3, Episode 24
Taking Care of Things
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Season 3 is ending and is still showing some excellent moments with Bailey and Claudia, but also shows some not enjoyable moments with Julia and especially Charlie. Sarah has a family trip with her parents, Bailey is scared but lets her go, assuring that someone else can watch over him. Still, he asks her to be aware of any call. Claudia has a violin concert in LA, she has been training 4 months for it and needs someone to go with her as Ross can't because of a trial. She asks Charlie but he says he is busy with the restaurant, although she knows he is busy with Grace's campaign (wrong step Charlie!). Julia is away with Griffin, so Bailey is the only one available, besides he wants to be distracted, and tells that he has to prove himself. Also, they plan to see Joe, who is living there with Franny. In the plane, Bailey strongly resists to the stewardess offering drinks to people, and Claudia talks to him about other violinists. In LA, while she is practicing with a director, Bailey is bored watching (funny scene), so she sends him away so he won't bother her playing (wrong move Claudia), urging him to pick her up at 6:30 pm for dinner with Joe and Franny. And then comes the perfect and critical moment: he is at the hotel room watching TV, zapping Speedy Gonzales, the Three Stooges (I guess that was too happy for his loneliness), and then he realizes the room mini bar is full of alcohol. He is desperate and tries to call Sarah twice, but Mrs Reeves doesn't put her daughter by the phone despite Bailey's claims that he really needs to talk to her (her parents are mad at him, it's a miracle that they didn't take him to court). He tries reaching Charlie at the restaurant, as he should be there working his shift, but the idiot was with Grace (again, wrong step Charlie, you have a family to take care of). And Julia was out of reach, so Bailey had anyone to stop him from drinking. And so he had the slip up. Joe and Franny visit him at 7 pm and find him drunk, so Bailey remembers Claudia. Joe gives a angered look to him, and leaves with Franny to pick up Claudia, while a saddened Bailey begs him not to tell her what happened (touching, simply touching). When they find her alone waiting on the stairs, they try to hide what Bailey did and take her to dinner, but she inmediatly realizes what happened. She forces the hotel staff to take away all the drinks from the room, and she gets mad at Bailey because she can't trust him. After the recital, she tells that he can't take care of her like he did so many times (when Charlie and Julia didn't). He tries to explain but then he tells her that this time, she has to take care of him, because he needs help, it's just the way it is, and she's not a baby anymore. Bailey pleads Claudia to come through for him. The next day, Joe talks to Bailey about why he chose to walk away from AA and the meeting with Walter Alcott. Joe tells that a year ago he was alone and lost, without nothing to do, without the restaurant. But after finding Franny, he thought that someone was looking after him, God (here, Joe's speech was nice, but he should wait to see how his life with Franny continues). Bailey himself refuses to believe, so Claudia says she has faith too, and with Joe convince him to believe, to have faith, God gave him Nick's problem but also gave him all the good things he had that made all of them love him, and his power to stop drinking. So then, he accepts going to AA meetings, and Claudia accompanies him on the cab. She tells him that she can go home alone, and promises she'll wait up for him, all this while Someone To Watch Over Me is heard on the soundtrack. Those last scenes were great, touching, not so tearful, but emotional, and proved how deep is the bond as siblings between Bailey and Claudia. These were some of the best moments of season 3 and the series, Bailey's alcoholism was perfectly handled, and Claudia's role was crucial for him to go to AA. Lacey and Scott were amazing today.

As for the rest, well, Grace fears she might be pregnant (nooooo), and Charlie says he would keep the baby and ponders marriage (NOOOOO, who wrote that??, that guy is not Charlie). Anyway, thanks to whoever, she is not pregnant, and then says she never wanted to have kids, and never will. Charlie obviously does, so he starts thinking about dumping her. I can't believe it, they have been dating for a little more than 2 months, and that question never appeared?? First/Second date he should have said "I have two kids, Claudia, and Owen, hey do you like kids? No? Well, Grace, nice to meet you, Goodbye!". Besides, this proves that the whole Grace storyline was forced, a waste, if Amy and Christopher were responsible for this character, they handled it wrong. Grace should have appeared no more than 5-6 episodes, like Kathleen. By the way, is still shocking seeing her sleeping in the parental bedroom, I can't stand it. Also, who took care of Owen today? For that, in many moments I think it was a wrong decision to take Kirsten away, she belongs with the Salingers, and Owen seems neglected if Julia, Claudia or Charlie are not there for him like today. As for Julia and her trip with Griffin, they reach Nevada, where his bike breaks, so they return to fix it. He realizes he can use his money to buy the bike shop (the repairman is selling it), instead of traveling with Julia. She tries to stop him, she really knows managing a business is hard (she knows Salinger's), but he is stubborn and decides he wants to run the place, as a goal for his life, like Julia said in 3x02 (the old happy times). She changed since then, she won't go to college to spend more time with him and now he wants to spend time managing a bike shop. She confides in Charlie about this, asks him if she is selfish for wanting to travel, and he says "What's most important, the person you like or the things you want?" (for Charlie, the kids are the most important, unless he has Kirsten). She chooses Griffin, but as the next episode shows, her inner wishes won't disappear, so Griffin didn't take the right decision. He traveled a lot with the Marine so now he doesn't want the same things as her, but if he loved her enough, he should have chosen her instead of the bike shop. And that's one of the reasons of why their relationship won't last long.
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