Review of Firebird

Firebird (I) (2021)
Moving stearing
6 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The one that i hate about true story movies is that they can get so real to the point they stear your Heart, especially if somehow you see yourself in the film. This is a beautiful love story, or a forbidden love story perfectly sculpted. Sergev and roman try to live their love despite the risk it represents for both them, despite roman's family. And they try to make it through that. The most interesting character is roman who's stirring between two choices his wife his lover add to it his career where he's the most free while flying in the sky as he told sergev. The weight that led him to put his life on stake to escape his life crashing because of his incapacity to make a choice. The movie is perfectly filmed, although sometimes it felt like a tv movie but you can't blame the production they made the best of what they had the acting was just stunning, and am very fond of roman's charchter and the duality he lived in, because i somehow projected in him. Lovely film just watch it.
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