Review of Forever

See: Forever (2021)
Season 2, Episode 2
Starts slow but picks up near the end.
3 September 2021
The plot with Kane, Maghra and Harlan is a little boring but becomes more interesting by the end of the episode. I thought to myself Kane would be so easy to assassinate at this point that I don't understand why someone doesn't do it when they have the opportunity. It's not as if anyone is really supporting her. At times I despise Kane and other times I laugh(in a good way) at how outrageous some of her actions are. Hopefully Kane's actions continue to be unpredictable so the show doesn't succumb to boring tried and tested political plot lines.

Maghra is not given much to do in this episode but defy every crazy action Kane seems to make and Harlan continues to try and maintain his position of power. I wonder what Harlan may have up his sleeve in the coming episodes.

The relentless torture of Baba seems a long time coming from Edo's perspective. I appreciate See's show not tell approach to Voss and Edo's backstory. It seems Baba was easily manipulated into doing some terrible things to Edo and Edo's desire for revenge is clouding any of his judgements. Hopefully we get more character development for Edo instead of being a one note character hell bent on revenge.

The organic relationship between Wren and Haniwa is enjoyable, while predictable, and it's nice to see some characters enjoy a moment of happiness in an otherwise grim last two episodes. I wish Wren didn't make the decision she did during the closing moments of the episode but time will tell to see how her decision will play out.

Kofun continues to be boring and the writers are struggling to do anything with him. The soldier, Toad, tasked with bringing him back safely is interesting and I hope to see more of his character fleshed out. I also didn't care less for what is happening with Jerlamarel. His scenes added little to the episode and I was not invested in the new predicament he finds himself in.

There are a few key reveals in "Forever" that I won't discuss for the sake of spoilers and the last twenty or so minutes raises the heart rate enough to justify any viewers time. The reveals themselves of certain characters fates are intriguing and episode three has a lot of potential to keep See from falling into a sophomore slump.
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