Review of District B13

District B13 (2004)
Still highly enjoyable after 17 years
2 September 2021
When B13 came out in 2004, its incredible parkour scenes were jaw-dropping. I watched it again just yesterday and this film has aged very well: the scenes are still jaw-dropping. Keep in mind that there is very little CGI besides the fake images of the wall around the district. Most of the action stunts are real. This should not come as a surprise, because one of the main actors is the founder of the parkour concept. Parkour relies on various skills to move quickly through an urban environment in ways that would soon result in an ambulance ride without the required training.

The action is the real star of this movie, the cartoonish story is just filler but is interesting enough to act as glue between the action scenes. Furthermore there is some good humor to lighten it all up. Definitely not a masterpiece in storytelling, but that is not what you should watch this film for. This is meant to be pure entertainment, and it delivers.
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