Bo Burnham: what. (2013 TV Special)
Ooh edgy
2 September 2021
Much like Make Happy, I had a lot of fun with this, but I can't help thinking that this may have landed on the side of those things that Bo isn't all that proud of anymore.

There is definitely a lot of clever stuff in this, but equally there's a lot of stuff that feels like it relies on edge over wit and good writing, and if I thought Make Happy slightly lacked a focus, holy hell is this all over the place.

Bo himself performs it as flawlessly as ever, but it still goes from dark fairytale, to left brain/right brain craziness, to poetry, to frog pedophiles, and it felt more like a series of his "lol random" YouTube videos than something with any kind of connecting theme.

There are some really great songs and jokes here though, and I wouldn't say I was disappointed as much as I was intrigued by him having gone from this to Inside, and seeing the evolution - even if I did see it going backwards.

Something I did note as being more impressive in this than in Make Happy is the sheer amount of times he must have rehearsed this to make sure he had it absolutely perfect, because I think this must have relied much more on the background sound effects and Bo's ability to know exactly which ones were coming and how to react to them with such precise timing...especially the ending bit. That must have been a nightmare to get right.

But it's a worthy entry in his stand up for sure, and equally worthy in his discography, even if it does seem like a bit of a relic from the age of random = funny that we've thankfully seemed to have moved past.
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