Weak, Preposterous, pséudo-poetic.
2 September 2021
Allow a Director to shoot whatever he wants...and the chance is he'll come up with something like this.

Why on Earth Vincent Gallo as the fugitive killer 'Mohammed'? Couldn't a real Arab do the job???

And Polanski's wife Emmanuelle Seigner being conveniently deaf and dumb?! For a One-Day rôle ??!

And US contractors smoking crack in Israeli Desert (posing for Iraq) ??!

And thoroughbred white horses given as a gift, (along with designer winter coats and boots) to a total stranger...dying, and armed.

I mean... Just how stupid does Skolimowsky think viewers of his oeuvre are?!

It's like HERZOG gone Gaga.

The part where prisoners are put through the US ARMY 'programme' á-la- Abu Grihab was promising enough...but soon the whole film stumbled along to it's pseudo Arty conclusion, just like dope-faced Gallo, stumbling around amidst branches and snow.

A sorry waste of time, and money.
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