Our Paradise (2011)
a story
31 August 2021
A simple recipe , easy to shock,being , in essence, a beautiful, delicate love story. A cold, precise, realistic, maybe, portrait of gay circle life. The only problem - the murders, except, off course, the last.. Dimitri Dourdaine has physical traits for be a sort of Antinous or Tadzio but, in same measure, it explores the role in fair manner. The suggestion of Hadrian Antinous couple sounds nice and works decent. At the end , maybe, the most significant scenes are the first, with admirable Jean Chrisophe Bouvet remembering his youth as beginning of circle. Surprising, more than seductive film, for suggestions, aspects of every day life explored in wise manner, the end and the gentle manner to define the characters. It is one of films who propose , at the final, more a ball of states than a story in proper sense. And that is its precious virtue. To discover loneliness, love, frustrations expressions, soft use of nudity and sex scenes, loyalty in high measure, lonely motherhood and murder as way of justice in sort of Raskolnikoff perspective. A good film for its messages first.
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