The Bad Twin (2016 TV Movie)
Really ?
31 August 2021
What an idiotic movie ! Everytime I see a movie with Hilary Duff in it, it turns out to be a dud . And this one was a super dud .

How far fetched can you get , the plot was just so ridiculous , too many silly scenarios, which you will just have to watch , and see for yourself !

And as for the " creepy " twins ? I just could not stop laughing everytime they appeared.

They did'nt seem to do very much , except wander around the mansion aimlessly , and trying to look wierd !!

And what was with the dressing the same ??? Are they like .... 4 years old ?

Teenage twins do not do that, not in my world anyway !

This movie was just ......annoying !

And, if Aunt Jen said " we will all be a family " one more time !!! ...........
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