Disapointing season 5 after a great revival with season 4
30 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I want to apologies but i just don't know how to properly review this season without spoilering, so you have been warned.

Season 4 was overall excellent and established the characters nicely. After making the conference final and getting eliminated, the National is now in good position to be one of the good team of the league. It start of right in the off season so barely any time has pass in the show, but 2 years has in real life so you can clearly see the Lambert kids have grown up way more than they should. The good news is the character of Jessica is not that present in this one, after having been the biggest annoyance of last season.

But there is some focuss on the character of Macha, her younger sister, and the actress really grew up if you know what i mean, so looking at both seasons back to back the difference show a lot.

The main plot of the season this time tough revolve around Danny Bouchard and his love triangle. And this is the part i really disliked. Danny was presented as pretty much the main character last season, at least among the new cast, the "new Pierre Lambert" and he was overall a nice guy. We never see him cheat, even when he has a problem at the stripper bar and his girlfriend is mad, you can see he is not the kind of guy to cheat and he loves her. Yet in this season he is now full on cheating with the new character of Valerie Nantel. He seem just way too different...

His girlfriend Annie also was recast (Veronique Bannon replace Jessica Welch) and she is played very differently, wich kinda break the immersion a bit.

There is also some weird "flash forward" scenes happening, kinda like when a character has a flashback but in this show its actually futur stuff we have not seen yet and it feels very off, i really disliked those and i was probably not the only one as these flashforward were not back in the next season.

Ultimately Danny end up taking his life trough a game of russian roulette that Valerie had him play. So the show kinda loose one of its main new character, something that will happen way too often during the next seasons, and unlike Game of Thrones, i feel this is not a show that is fine doing this. Yes there is trades in hockey or signing elsewhere, but its like they have the characters go trough unbelievable situations just to get rid of them or have them have "something to do".

The ending is both anticlimatic and satisfying, wich may sound weird but thats how i felt. You see Pierre Lambert return to the game, so seeing him put on the jersey one more time is great, especially as he score a goal, but the show end up on this, a regular season game, we don't know if they actually make the playoff or how far they go, even tough its called "la reconquete" wich pretty much mean the new conquest in french. As next season start, Pierre is once again retired and there was from my understanding something like a year or so that passed. The previous season ended and they are in the middle of a new one.

So the point is ... Pierre's comeback does not bring anything ultimately to the show beside fan service.
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