11.22.63 (2016)
Greatest script hole ever written!!!!
30 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A good eight episodes miniseries on a book by Stephen King. That's tells about everything on this show. In someway, ot is a contrafactual story based on the usual "what happened if...?" plot. The only thing on this, it's that is not a contrafactual story, but a time travel one. And as usual on this kind of stories, the plot holes are biggest than the "rabbit hole" at the beginning of the first episode.

I asked my self how people does't see it. I see the minute appear on second episode. I don't know if that hole receive better treatment on the book, but in here is an insult to the intelligence: HOW, IN WHAT MOMENT BILL TURCOTTE, IN SECOND EPISODE, GET ALL THE FILES AND THE BOOK OF SPORT RESULTS FROM JAKE EPPING, AND HOW IN THE HELL HE KNOWS THAT JAKE WILL STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, IN THE MIDDEL OF THE ROAD, TO CLEAN THE BLOOD OUT OF HIS HANDS?

Think about it, he finds Jake outside Frank Dunning's house, prior Jake kill Frank. Once Jake has kill Frank, Jake see Bill at the star of the stairs that leads to the second floor. He leaves the house, bathed on blood, and goes to Enda Price's house. Here is the other plot hole. She finds him when he is about to take his car to leave the town. He never get close to the porch, he just take his car and leave the house. How Edna's know that Jake was about to came into her house? This maybe it's not a big one, but it's consequences feels right after. Jake leaves Edná's house, and he stops after that in order to clean his hands from the blood. And there you go!!!!! Bill appears with all the files that Al Templeton gives to Jake. I mean, JAKE LEAVES EDNA'S HOUSE WITH OUT CARRYING AL'S FILES? WHERE WERE THOSE FILES THAT BILL CAN EASILY TAKE THEM? IN EDNA'S HOUSE, IN THE CAR, JUST IN THE BACK SEAT AS IF THEY WEREN'T IMPORTANT? And suddenly Bill becomes Jake's sidekick!!!!! You need to write a better background story to make believable all this, because all this sounds like one of the biggest Deus ex machina ever written.
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