Killer Among Us (I) (2021)
The good ratings are made by the cast and crew.
26 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was horrible. I was actually rooting for the antagonist. The acting is bland and there is no storyline. I didn't care about Ricki being kidnapped at all. First of all, she's 16, on the streets and going into random guys cars. Before that happened, she was a literal prostitute and using the money she earns to help her friend get drugs. 0 empathy towards her. It's like these girls don't watch movies or the news. They always trust the guy dressed like the stereotypical serial killer.

That police department was ridiculous... There were like 4 cops there and all because it's ''The 4th of July weekend'' 😂 Please make this more realistic... That whole night, only 1 girl was getting kidnapped? Must be a small town then.

The antagonist is a chemistry teacher, claimed he'd done that to many girls before and had never been caught. Another example of the horrible police department. Also, apparently he also only kills girls who are over 18 since he was so sensitive about the under 18 stuff. That was shocking. Since when do serial killers care about their victims age? How didn't he know she was a high schooler is he teaches at her school? (So it seems)

Near the ending I was hoping Ricki wouldn't magically break free but she did... yikes.

They called for backup and the S. W. A. T so many times but nobody came. Lmao. What happened to the heli he shot around 100 times? They didn't crash?

Right at the end, she's back at school. But guess what? The antagonist is teaching at her school. Now, how the he'll do you not recognize a man who held you hostage and surely, made a big impact on your life. That was the most ridiculous part of the film. He looked exactly the same too, just changed his wig. Someone suggested that the teacher is his twin brother in the trailer comments, sounds stupid but that's the only logical way. He got stabbed and shot twice, escaped prison and is a teacher again? Yeah I'm gonna go with the twin theory

The only good thing about this movie is.... nothing honestly. The serial killer was kinda cute though. It also (I hope) teaches young girls (like myself) not to get in cars with random people.. stuff you learn when you're 5. Also, to stay in school and don't sell your body at such a young age...


At the very end, why do movies do this. She's going to the nurses office but it looks like she's going to the gates of heaven. Walking into nothing but bright light. 😂😂 Maybe I should give it a 2/10 because this part made me laugh.
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