MY EYES!!!!! >; <()
26 August 2021
I never would've thought I could watch an anime so badly strewn together as this in the beginning......

Even in the very 1st episode, It was hard enough trying to see a hazy animation sequence whenever there's light present; It just gives off an aura of watching a flashback throughout the series run. Not to mention having the subtitles include a weird blurry background highlight, making it even more unbearable just to SEE the screen.

As if THAT wasn't bad enough, I couldn't even TELL who the lead character was; it seemed as if the main cast of students each had unequal screen time overall. I mean, whoever the screenwriter is behind this show clearly messed up BIG TIME as there was so much information thrown at you about this "alternative world" the main characters get thrown into once you start watching. Where are the proper plot developments and backstory meant to bridge all this information together? At this point, the writer(s) probably rushed this process to fit in as much stuff as possible, leaving an incredibly flawed story that people have yet to comprehend! Not to mention the unevenness of screen time, especially for the female cast, who I think was held back for pretty much the ENTIRE SHOW!!!

I advise those just glancing at this page not to watch this show if they feel let down midway/in the beginning and give up on it entirely. If you do watch the whole series through to the end, which influenced me to tweak my review a bit, it at least seems to be more tolerable of a watch. At least Shining Tears x Wind managed to fix itself 2/3rds of the way through; if only they had a solid start to propel off of.
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