Review of Relics

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Relics (1992)
Season 6, Episode 4
Appreciate Those Who Came Before
23 August 2021
Some of the best conversations I remember having with my grandmother was when I asked her about her experiences during World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II, and so on. I was captivated because I wasn't reading a history book. I was speaking with someone who'd lived it.

Different cultures treat the elderly in different ways. I've lived in several countries where the very idea of sending grandparents/parents off to a home to live was abhorrent. "Why?! After everything they do for you when you're growing up?" I did explain that sometimes, we have no choice if they are having medical difficulties or suffering from mental disabilities. Still, this was a concept that was very foreign for most people I've come across overseas.

Many families in different countries all live together; often three generations under one roof. Nobody complains about space because they are actually grateful that they are there! They still contribute and help out around the house, look after the grandkids when necessary, and even walk to the store to shop. Oh, and when I talk about under one roof, I'm talking mostly about apartments, not 2000+ square foot homes that two people live in and say, "We don't have room!"

Geordi represents much of American thinking when it comes to how we treat senior citizens. Thank you for what you did, but now you're old, obselete, and frankly, more trouble than we figured.

Picard has to remind Geordi that even the elderly can still be useful. And frankly, they WANT to be useful!

Any fan of TOS will gush at seeing Scotty showing up in STNG universe. He's a man out of time, but he's also a genius engineer who proves that he's still more than capable, even if Geordi doesn't initially believe it. And also, just because a way of doing things isn't being done anymore, doesn't mean that it doesn't work.

My grandmother once told me that she thought she'd end up in a home. I told her, "Not while I'm living and breathing!" Could she be a pain? Of course! But isn't everyone from time-to-time regardless of age?

"Relics" is a testament not to forget those who came before and not to cast them aside like an old watering can either. This is a wonderful character study that--hopefully--will cause people to stop and remember how important it is to keep family members around and to also keep them busy! But also to be grateful for everything they did for us. Why is it so difficult to want to return the favor? After all, they won't be around forever, and all that they have and know, will eventually be gone.
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