Death Kiss (2018)
The best film from the team Rene Perez and Robert Bronzi
23 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the films director Rene Perez and actor Robert Bronzi aka Robert Kovacs have made together, "Death Kiss" is by far the best.

It is an homage to the "Death Wish" films with Charles Bronson. Actor Robert Bronzi does not only look like Bronson, he also has the facial expressions and gesturing and even the typical Charles Bronson walk.

Bronzi plays a vigilante that helps a young woman and her little daughter, who is in a wheelchair. Richard Tyson is the main villain and he does a good job. Daniel Baldwin has a cool part as radio presenter who discusses the failure of the police against the crime.

Hope to see more films in this style from the powerful team Perez/Bronzi.
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