Review of Out of Time

Out of Time (V) (2021)
Maybe, could it? Yes it could!
20 August 2021
It's been suggested that the first 10 minutes of this film is, well, a little on the ordinary side of the equation. Which is true. But whatever you do, go into this with your eyes open and enjoy the ride.

We all understand that it was made on a very low budget, but it certainly didn't matter. The end result was one out of the box: once you accepted some average scripting, the little girl as we closed in on the finale should spend some more time working on her acting, while the special effects were pretty darn corny.

But what really made this movie a bit of a pearler in my eyes, was the two lead actors performances. First up, Nadège August put in a Stirling performance and is absolutely sexy as hell, while her surprise partner Blake Boyd was simply awesome.

I shouldn't really mark down my rating given the budget for this movie is reportedly around $200,000. Perhaps I should have added another star! Frankly, for such a low budget it certainly kicked way about its weight.
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