Surely this movie can't get any sillier? Oh no wait there's a giant Starfish!
19 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Suicide Squad

Not to be confused with the total disappointment that was 2016's 'Suicide Squad'.

This new version complete with the word 'The' to differentiate it is an entirely better movie. In the hands of 'Guardians Of The Galaxy ' helmer James Gunn this loosely based sequel is more of an attempt to reboot. Gunn's creatively wacky approach suits the franchise much better than David Ayers take. Warner Bros have given Gunn a big budget and allowed him to go nuts!

You just know that this is a crazy movie when Sylvester Stallone as a talking shark isn't the most ludicrous thing about the film. There's a host of returning faces including Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn and Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flag but it is Will Smith's replacement Idris Elba as Bloodsport that carries the movie. As aforementioned Sylvester Stallone as King Shark is the scene stealer and suprisingly John Cena as Peacemaker is hilarious and excellent every time he's onscreen. I think this movie is a real turning point in Cena's career as before now he's mainly come across as a poor mans Arnie. I could go on and list everyone but it's just easier to note that all the cast involved are brilliant and clearly having a ball. Nobody as much as Director James Gunn. It's clear that he is super passionate and invested in this project. The plot is a silly one and I won't go into it. If like me you love this sort of mayhem then the technicalities of the story won't be important to you. On the other hand if you like your movies grounded and realistic then look elsewhere.'The Suicide Squad' is crazier than poo from a bat! Sadly it's not a perfect film.

For all of Gunn's crazy creativity there's much of the film that doesn't flow. It feels like a disjointed production. One that suffers from ham fisted editing. Thankfully once the film does gain some traction then there's a lot of fun to be had. Especially in the final act. Technically the film looks scrumptious. Image quality is beautiful and a film I can't wait to revisit on 4K HDR Blu-ray. CGI is some of the best I have seen this year. The detail and texture gone into bringing King Shark to life is spectacular. The giant Starfish Kaiju is rendered perfectly. Yes you did read that correctly, there is a giant Starfish Kaiju! I enjoyed'The Suicide Squad'. It's by no means the genius production and greatest comic book movie ever that some reviewers claim.

Not even close.

Compared to Christopher Nolan's 'The Dark Knight' it just doesn't have the same depth. There isn't the audiences investment in the characters of 'The Suicide Squad' to compare it with the 'Avengers' movies or the emotional heft of James Mangold's 'Logan'. That said it's a wonderful reminder as to why we all live going to the cinema in the first place. In a time when the world is ravaged by doom and gloom, 'The Suicide Squad' is the perfect vaccine.
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