Enjoyed that.
9 August 2021
The Battle of Mazurka parade is being planned, Auntie naturally is supplying all the goods including The General. Marina sends Cleggy a message, in a rather unusual way, so shocked is the carrier that the message is forgotten.

It's a little slow to start, but builds well, and has a very funny conclusion, plenty of chuckles, the best scenes come from Glenda and Marina, not two characters we generally see together, we last saw Glenda looking racy in bikers gear, she looks great, Marina looks hilarious, scene with Howard at the end is priceless.

The core of the story is amusing, Nora Batty''s costume is great, and of course there are some amusing scenes with The Old General, who's clearly had some better days. It's good to know that Alvin is now very much part of the flock.

7/10, fun.
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