Baptiste: Episode #2.4 (2021)
Season 2, Episode 4
Episode 2.4
9 August 2021
The finale of episode 3 revealed that Emma's children had been sucked into right wing terrorism.

They were behind the massacre at Jósefváros and it was the event that left Emma paralysed as well as one of her children dead.

It really is a case as to how much right wing politician Kamilla Agoston and her British husband Michael are behind it all.

Like a lot of politicians who make infalmorty remarks they try to weasel out of it in public.

Baptiste discovers that Michael has businesses that profits from buying up properties cheaply in run down areas that had an explosion of violence.

The twist at the end was less of a surprise given the events of the previous episode. I would of course like to know more how these people became implicated with the likes of Kamilla Agoston. Who care just as much about money than racial purity.
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