Barnaby Jones: The Final Victim (1980)
Season 8, Episode 19
I know a good idea....let's blackmail a murderer!
8 August 2021
Apparently, "The Final Victim" was designed as an opportunity for a spinoff program....according to IMDB. I assume it would involve Harry Guardino's character...and after seeing it I can see why no such series was made. While Guardino was a good actor usually, he's absolutely terrible here. To make it worse, the show employs a really dumb cliche.

The story begins in a bad part of town. A college age girl has definitely made a bad choice of where she should be, as she's where the hookers ply their trade. In fact, at one point some cops stop and question her...and not surprisingly, she wants to get away fast. The problem is that she accepts a ride from a stranger...and the stranger assumes she's a prostitute and tries to get her to put out. In the process things get violent and he kills her.

As to who the killer is, he turns out to be a judge and one of the 'professional girls' noted that it was he who picked up the murdered girl. So, she does something stupid that is sometimes done in badly written TV shows...she tries to blackmail him! Think about it....the guy is a murderer and you try to blackmail him! How silly can you get?! Regardless, with the young dead girl and the now dead prostitute, what evidence is there left to lead to the killer?

The bad cliche...Guardino's bellicose acting...they both spell disaster for this episode. Hardly worth watching.
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