Not a bad documentary at all but it doesn't excel either.
7 August 2021
I always like to read some of the reviews of other reviewer's prior to writing my own review in order to ger some perspective of what people are generally thinking about the TV show, in this case Cocaine Cowboys..... I have to say that here the reviews seems rather polarizing.... one review said, it's yet another cartel documentary and on that note gave it only star.... one could do the same thing for any marvel movie then.... ohh it's just another marvel therefore I'll give it 1 star because I want something different..... Its important when reviewing that you review the show in and of itself and don't always compare it the best thing you've watched in your life because that would be very unfair.

As to what I thought of the documentary series. It tells the tale of what was happening in Miami from a format of an A to Z narrative..... There isn't any beautiful cinematography here, nor does it have recreations.... both things can be found in seen documentary series on Netflix which is good. But this show is a telling of the details of the Miami drug trade from the mouth of the people who imported it and interviewers with journalists, investigaters, family members of the dealears and the dealers themselves.... I like probably everyone else has a vague idea of what Miami was like in the 80s through the media.... GTA Vice City comes to mind for me.... Yet I never knew the players and the ups and downs of their enterprise.. This show goes some way to filling us in... There is other documentaries out there that might be more to your taste. That's fine but it's unfair to rate a show so low if you think it's subjectively bad because you simply don't like drug documentaries... Anyway, I highly enjoyed the show. A relaxing watching and I'm sure other's will like it to (while others perhaps not) 8/10.
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