Wait, Is This a Kid's Show?
6 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, this is when it really became clear, this wasn't just some throw away kids show. The first two episodes fit the mold, goofy humor, incompetent villains, a banished prince chasing a child and his two friends with his overweight uncle. Well, the Southern Air Temple takes that mold and completely throws it away. Ang is convinced his people hid and escaped. Honestly, looking back on it, you could be forgiven from the first two episodes in thinking Ang might be right, but no, not today.

Child wakes up from 100 years in ice to learn that his father figure and every other airbender is dead, killed by the fire nation. Remember those incompetent antagonists from Episode 2, I don't. I mean, just listen to the line when Ang finally comes to the realization that he really is the last airbender, the touching moment when Kitara and Sokka reassure Ang that he's not alone, that despite all he's lost he has a family and... wait, this is a kid's show right?

On the other end, the Fire Nation similarly gets a dose of seriousness as Commander Zhao is introduced. Remember Zuko, a teenage prince obsessed with honor, well now he and Ang have to contend with an ambitious officer with an actual army of ruthless fire wielders at his disposal. Perhaps the Agni-Kai or fire duel is the most memorable part, as Zuko is able to use his Uncle's lessons to best his senior.

All in all, I remember this episode being such a shock because Avatar seemed like it was going to be a forgettable kids show, only to start throwing out weighty themes beneath the veneer of a Sokka food joke...
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