Green Room (2015)
4 August 2021
It is like a combination of Red State and the Green Inferno. The premise is terrifying and it is super intense for the most part. I think Patrick Stewart casting was a mistake in this, he plays the part well but takes you completely out of the fear for the protagonists. Firstly it's Patrick Stewart, secondly you start wondering how this skinhead operation functions and empathise with him which just doesn't work here. It's a bit like Devils Rejects in that way, you get to know the antagonist family, but it worked in Devils because they were such disturbing people the more you got to know them the less reasonable they seemed and more you feared them, whereas in this the movie gets progressively less scary because you know where the protagonists stand more and more, a bit like how Die Hard switches to an entertaining direction as you know what the villains know. I still rate it high for the gore and scares and it did keep my attention the whole way it's just a shame the first portion is terrifying in witnessing really bad people murdering someone and getting cornered having no bargaining chips, the setup of it all was so good it could never pay off. Definitely worth seeing though stellar acting all round couldn't believe that was Maebe Funke.
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