Garbage. What Director thinks it's a good idea to show little kids getting shot?? **Avoid this steaming heap**
4 August 2021
I thought this would be a terminator type of movie, but it doesn't seem to have a coherent plot. Instead, it wastes time Showing robots graphically Shooting not only children, but the mothers that try to protect their children. What kind of psycho writes this into a script?

Completely unnecessary, especially since right after this happens, the project crew discusses turning off some kind of fail safe to let the robots really let go to town (they can do worse?). Yet, the robots weren't supposed to do that in the first place because they can only shoot targets that they have a facial image of (the fail safe). And those targets are supposed to be bad guys involved in the drug trade. The project crew characters seem to be completely unaware of the fact that the robots have just done what they weren't supposed to do. So they are going to turn off this fail safe to let the robots do what they already did. Huh?

Yes, this is the kind of circular logic You will have to deal with if you are willing to endure 2+ hours of plot holes, lame dialogue, wooden acting (Neal McDonough!), and just plain stupid decision made by the characters, including the so-called AI enabled robots. "Monsters of Man" Should be a theater class case study in how to Ruin a potentially interesting concept by spending all of the money on FX And apparently very little on actors and the script.

I love science-fiction. Unfortunately, it seems to produce great movies or terrible ones. With "monsters of man" we get something in the "terrible" bucket.
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