Newspaper Headline: "Notorious Tramp Still Missing!"...
4 August 2021
Professor Dexter and his assistant Professor Gilmore (Bela Lugosi and John Carradine) are busy experimenting on homeless winos, freezing them solid for months at a time in order to defrost them later.

Next, they're off to the arctic to find a frozen caveman. Once one is located and chipped out of the ice, they haul him back to their laboratory and bring the troglodyte back to life.

Naturally, Dexter and Gilmore plan to transplant a normal human brain into the caveman's noggin. A subject is found, drugged, frozen, and prepped for the implantation process.

What could possibly go wrong?

RETURN OF THE APE MAN is every bit as ridiculous as the original film, perhaps more so. Lugosi and Carradine are in rare form, as is George Zucco. Everyone takes turns devouring the scenery, making this a wonderment to behold!...
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