Review of G.I. Joe

G.I. Joe (1985–1986)
10/10 for the1985 season
2 August 2021
I watched (and loved) the GI Joe cartoons with my son during their first run on TV. The miniseries in '83 & '84 were wonderful, as was the 1985 season of their fulltime series run.

1986 is another story, however. I know the casting aside of beloved characters has been chalked up to the selling of new toys, but that doesn't explain the nosedive in animation & writing quality that '86 suffered. Having seen this kind of thing in other TV genres, I tend to think it had more to do with keeping the costs of voice talent down. If it wasn't a cost-cutting move, it was one of the biggest self-owns I've ever seen. Their '83 - '85 voiceover ensemble was the very best I've ever heard, and it was an absolute shame to sabotage that. And, obviously, that speaks volumes for the writing and dialogue they were given to work with in those years too.

Hasbro has acquired the Sunbow series and is currently playing selections of it on their YT channel. I've been watching it daily, and with my granddaughter when I babysit her. I'm happy to introduce another generation to this product, because it's just that good. I hope they try it again, in a cartoon, or in a series of animated films. Just get a good writer, and someone who sounds like and has the talent of Chris Latta for Cobra Commander, and I'll happily watch.
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