Evil: Book 27 (2020)
Season 1, Episode 13
Good finale.
27 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, what a finale. I'm...immensely satisfied. It was so good.

So now, we have confirmation that the supernatural is real, right? At least to a certain extent. David had an actual vision that could've very well been from God, and not a drug-induced vision.

Depending on how you look at it, I guess his drug-induced visions could've been from God as well, and the drug-induced part just acted as a plot device to make you uncertain, for there to be a possibility of it going either way.

Then there's Kristen, who was implied to have killed Orson, implied. We never saw it happen, but it probably was her. Only if it was, it wasn't, as the ending gave more credibility to the supernatural being real on top of David's real vision, among other things throughout the show, with a crucifix burning an imprint on her hand, suggesting that she's possessed. I don't see how that can be explained and played off as not being supernatural.

Even more so, I don't see how people can still be uncertain whether or not the supernatural is real, after watching this episode.

At the very least, the writers could still go the ambiguous route, in the second season, instead of going the supernatural route completely and embracing it, in the sense that there will still be occurrences that won't be downright supernatural, or in a better-worded sense, occurrences with open-ended conclusions.
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