Review of Camilla

Camilla (1954)
Idylls of domestic life in an ordinary Roman family's home through crises, quarrels, celebrations and parties
27 July 2021
The interesting thing about this film is that it is perfectly natural. It's just ordinary people, a young doctor with his family and two children, with constant economic worries and problems, with their friends and other couples, and a domestic maid of middle age who is somehow the point of comfort in the family. She constantly tries to get away, to go home to her own native village, but there is always something happening that makes her postpone her departure, especially incidents with the children. There is nothing tragic or pathetic here, while there is plenty of comedy, but always on a modest level, never reaching the burlesque, but touching on very familiar situations that any family somehow must recognize as something of their own. There are many unanswered questions, the doctor refuses to divulge the results of his important exam, and you really never know whether Camilla will get away or not. It's a spectrum of family life like in a small universe of its own full of charm and sympathy, like a piece of cake taken out of real life.
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