Philly D.A. (2021– )
Partisan but heartfelt
26 July 2021
America's justice system is shockingly punitive, often driven by proescutors elected for their promises to be "tough on crime." But an increasing number of cities, including Philadelphia, have started to elected liberal D. A.s. This programme profiles Larry Krasner as he tries to reform his city's approach to prosecuting crime. His approach is porttayed by his many enemies as letting the criminals off; but in my opinion, it's both more humane, and likely to be long-term more effective. The series is unquestionanbly partisan; some of Krasner's opponents come accross as monstrous, and no-one is allowed to articulate on camera specific things that Kranser might have done wrong. Even when some long standing prosecutors are fired because they don't fir the new regime, we never learn exactly what their points of disagreement with the boss are. In some ways, the lack of even-handedness weakens the case for what Kranser is doing; but then maybe the old ways were simply indefensible. In any case, it's an important series, given America's continuing racial and economic divisions, and the role that the state plays in defending and re-enforcing them.
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