The Flintstones: No Biz Like Show Biz (1965)
Season 6, Episode 1
Rebuttal to previous review
25 July 2021
This episode is really so outstanding !!!

I dont know who wrote that terrible review and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but that opinion is simply so ludicrous !!!

For one thing, it's a cartoon. In the cartoon world, anything is possible, hence, an anvil dropping on the head with no injuries. Look at loonytunes cartoons. Cant examine every little detail.

Secondly, at the end, it does explain that it was only a dream. This happens alot in dreamworld whether ttelevision or reality.

Thirdly, the song, 'Let the sun shine in' does tell a moral just like most of their episodes.

Bottom line is that it's a cartoon. You said it right. Cartoons are a form of escapism.

Enjoy it, not examine it !!!
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