Beautiful movie severely let down by a Political rant ! Why ??
25 July 2021
This is a lovely short documentary about a subject which is well known, popular and very much the topic of conversation for some of us.

But right in the middle of it, Dr Gabor Mate for some bizarre reason goes on a political rant about a President completely destroying the tone and message of the movie. There's so much hate still in Gabor and possibly the Director who chose not to edit this rant - it becomes difficult to believe these guys know what they're talking about or have glimpsed a view of the unknowable! How can you talk of Buddha and still be consumed with so much hate and spout so much nonsense? Wasn't the whole idea of awareness and consciousness to go above petty things AND understand the different choices people make? The politics,etc is not that important and it's all make-believe anyway like everything in this world. Obviously not for Dr Gabor Mate and I've heard similar politics spouted even by Jon Kabat-Zinn in some of his talks and I'm stumped. So these guys have never reached a better place at all? Why are they talking of mindfulness, awareness, consciousness and the lot when they're still wallowing in hatred? Let it go. Don't just preach follow your own advice. Be a better person.

Importantly why destroy a beautiful meditative piece of filming with filth which takes the viewer out of the reverie? Baffling indeed.
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