A fascinating story, spoiled only slightly.
23 July 2021
I knew that some outfit named Impossible had resurrected Polaroid's SX-70 film production, but had no idea what the story was. Very well done, though it would have benefited from a little actual background on the history of Land and Polaroid, mainly for those young enough to have not been around in the mid-late 20th century.

I was deeply dismayed, though, at facebook's sudden intrusion into the narrative, and at Doc's naivete regarding the damage it's done to the world with its grotesque, self-absorbed amorality. He did his research, and is a smart enough guy to understand its meaning, but still cozied up to them. I could scarcely sit through his initial wooden, stilted meeting in their quaint little print shop, and the extent of the facebook employees' delusion shows in their considering this silkscreening curio to be the "heart and soul" of a truly evil company. That kind of money distorts everything and rarely does anyone any good, regardless of whether they humour a harmless screwball from time to time by picking up the tab for a party. I sincerely hope he's since broken with them.
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