Not a family film even though you would think that it would be, and wish that it would be
22 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I had seen a bit of the film on tv years ago and had assumed that it was a family film - a nice little romance between two highschool students who both liked basketball. A bit into the film I realized it wan't an appropriate film and was disappointed and frustrated. Because I had been wanting to see it, I stuck with it skipping to the next scene when something that made me uncomfortable came up.

I did enjoy the lessons of the film - after having to too blatantly look at the inappropriate material. I thought the writing was good and the acting was good. I am admittedly not well acquainted with the African American culture, but I was confused by a few things - the all black h.s. Teams, and the all black college teams, and the all black pro teams. I was having trouble with my sound so I missed the final exchange between Zeke and Quincy - so I assume, but don't know if Zeke told Quincy that he missed the boat on not having a balance, and that what he did was very stupid. The film did make a nice progression of showing Monica finding her balance - that she could be a mother and be a pro player. I wish we knew the story though in between the one on one middle of the night basketball game and then her and Quincy being shown at one of her pro games with a child.

I do wish someone would edit the language and the inappropriate scenes, and somehow tone down Zeke's story. If that is possible this is a good film to see, if not please skip it.
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