About individuals, not stereotypes
22 July 2021
I happened to see this movie, found it absorbing, and then watched it again and it grew on me even more, and now it's a favorite. It has a certain kind of perfection to it (I'm a family therapist). The parents and their two daughters are well-fleshed out- the other characters are less central. This film just happens to be about a particular nuclear family and their relationships- my take on it is that the lesbian relationship, though pivotal, is somewhat incidental. The only mild criticism I have is that the movie might have evinced more diversity in terms of race and sexual identity (e.g., gay men), especially at the end.

***MILD SPOILER ALERT*** People bring their biases and expectations when watching a film. Some just don't get it- this isn't about a torrid, erotic lesbian relationship, but about a deep, personal relationship that is not, at least initially, any one else's business. Jenny (a Capricorn, apparently) is a relatively serious, introverted, private person. She's a social worker who agonizes over neglected and abused children. Her partner, a grade school teacher, also seems rather shy, neither one especially thrilled at the prospect of drawing a line in the sand over gay rights (they must, but reluctantly so). No chemistry between them? I don't agree- see scenes where they look into each other's eyes. The script is quite subtle but often profound, and gently builds to a satisfying, spirited conclusion.

The acting was very good, and I thought the character development of the central characters spot on, superb (e.g., of the father's best friend, very moving). These are people who love each other, but don't handle conflict well. The parents were great, especially the mother. The younger daughter (Grace Gummer) was a bright spark, and seemed tantalizingly familiar in voice, appearance and mannerisms- finally it dawned on me who she reminded me of- Meryl Streep, her mother. This story is about love between family members, friends, and spouses- about commitment, generosity of spirit and personal growth, and for me it rang very true. I loved the music (bought the soundtrack), and loved the culmination of the ending- triumph, joy, happy tears. Perhaps if you didn't love it the first time around, you'll see depth and universality, and be as inspired as I was, if you give it another chance.
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