Despite the nice Warner Brothers polish, this B-movie has several strikes against it.
22 July 2021
Laurine Lynne (Beverly Roberts) is a Hollywood star whose career is on the wane. She decides to leave the USA and her polo playing boyfriend and heads to Vienna*. There. She is driven to distraction initially by an incredibly obnoxious prince who is working incognito at the hotel. Prince Rubert (Patric Knowles) apparently is down and out financially...but his manners are rather haughty and annoying. He thinks he's cute and clever....he's not.

While Lynne is in Vienna, she reads in the paper that some actress she doesn't respect got a plum role in a film. Why? Possibly because this lady recently married a Count and it's given a boost to her career. So, Lynne is determined to outdo her rival and sets out to marry an even more titled man and instructs her people to essentially buy one! So, the man ends up being Prince Rupert...who was VERY insulting towards her during her hotel stay. Not exactly a marriage made in heaven, huh? What's next? See the film...or, better yet, don't.

The film has a HUGE problem. Rupert is so obnoxious that it's hard to care about him at all. In fact, you probably will hate him. So making this a romance is a REALY uphill battle! And, while not nearly as big a problem, Beverly Roberts is rather bland and it's hard to see her as a famous actress.... I am not trying to be mean, but she just doesn't seem right for the part. Also, seeing her throwing a temper tantrum and breaking things didn't exactly make her likable, either! As a result, you never really care much for the couple and you will probably find your interest waning after a while. Overall, passable entertainment but it could have easily been better.

*The IMDB summary says the Lynne goes to an unspecified region when she goes to Europe. Well, the film clearly says that she went to the Blue Danube Hotel in Vienna. It also clearly says they were married in Austria.
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