Rick and Morty (2013– )
This string of sensations is a quantum hyperfold of all possible superlatives
21 July 2021
I am a latecomer to many a good thing. About twenty years late to Seinfeld. If I'd missed this one I'd be reincarnated as a TV watching organism for sure.

You can tell, well, a lot, about how smart the people behind a show are. And sometimes how wise. It is a precious thing indeed when they are exceedingly both, and ridiculous that it comes in the guise of a cartoon. Or is it?

Thank you.

Real time update, all seasons: this is what happens when you live in your bed, and learn words in your head. G Zrs, pay attention: herpes... bad. Ice cream... good. Your mind... woke. This show... the most anti-woke thing out there right now. May you synchronize.
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