Happy Days: King Richard's Big Knight (1979)
Season 7, Episode 10
Odd out of character episode.
20 July 2021
Given that Richie was as straight laced and goody goody as they come I found it very odd and very out of character that his friends especially Fonzie would react to Richie the way they did after his night of wildness. Also when Richie fainted in the living room no one offers to get any kind of medical help to find out if something's wrong. They all just over react. The Fonz especially should have realized something was off with Richie given that Richie is never this impulsive and outrageous in his behavior. If it had been any other character maybe the reaction would have been warranted but not with Richie who is so clean cut. Whoever wrote this no doubt forgot that the characters especially Richie and Fonzie were already established a certain way and therefore should have realized this. I mean Richie himself wold have never acted like this straight and clean so that should have been a sign that something was off. All in all I found this a very out of character episode for the rest of the cast and they way they reacted to Richie's antics.
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