Doctor Who: In the Forest of the Night (2014)
Season 8, Episode 10
Cool Idea, Done Wrong
17 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is one of the worst Doctor Who episodes I've watched. But I don't completely hate it, like in kill the moon The Doctor doesn't matter there's really no stakes. It's just hey there's a whole bunch of trees, oh they're protecting us from the sun ok. I feel like the episode started fine with the tree thing but the big reveal that the trees did it because of the solar flare was so disappointing. Also children in doctor who episodes just annoy me for some reason. Like the class goes into the Tardis with the doctor, and have like no reaction. They just went into a blue box that's bigger on the inside and not one of them is freaking out. That puzzles me, this episode could be taken out of the season and mean absolutely nothing so my final analyze. This is not a good doctor who episode witch is a shame because season 8 has some damn good ones.
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