Friends: The One with a Chick and a Duck (1997)
Season 3, Episode 21
I would have probably rated this an 8 twenty years ago
12 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the show so much back then, at this point, I would have liked anything they did.

I think I'm able to be way more objective now.

I'll go with a 6. Almost a 7, but.... I'll reserve the 7's for a little better quality.

I dislike Rachel. The relationship with Ross depends on how she feels....what she wants. She'll turn on a dime. Yes...I get its a show and the details don't matter. If writers want to show x, then whatever to do that.

The whole...wait. Ross actually cares for me? YES! How many many examples do u need before you get that through your thick skull.

Just annoying.

Now...I do have fond memories of Ross doing Rachel's makeup, so I did find that funny.

Pete Monica story is fine. I wish they did more/better with Pete. Don't care for how that ends up. But, he was only going to be a guest for so many episodes.

I never really thought about it...and for some reason it never struck me as odd...but a chick and a duck? That is very sitcomy. I know they did the monkey early on...and the chick and duck are very subtle for the most part through the series. But how much debate was there about...guys. Are we seriously talking about having 2 birds in a NY city apartment? How far from reality do we want to go with this, bc this is a another step further away from reality.

So overall...a fine episode. Not perfect...nothing to get excited about. A single. Got on base.
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