Party of Five: Good Sports (1994)
Season 1, Episode 3
Don't Be Selfish
10 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The siblings struggle with some common situations in life. In Bailey's case, he has a football game at school, and talks to Will and the siblings about how low are their chances to win, given that their best player is injured, and the visiting team is in a very good streak. Then, he gives Kirsten a present from the shoe store (a sneaker cleaner) where he works part time, and invites her to see the football game. She accepts the gift, but says she's busy for the night, "maybe next time". Later, at the game, the Possums surprisingly win, after a very "inspiring" speech from the coach. But after the game, after Will leaves, Bailey is witness of the moment when two visiting players attack a teammate, and in the fight, they accidentally break a window, so the alarm rings. The coach arrives but he only finds Bailey, who says he didn't see anything because it was too dark. The case here it's very simple, he's screwed. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The next day, after being called, Bailey and Charlie wait in the school and the teachers who pass remember Charlie's antics (funny scene, you imagine your own old times at school). Then, the principal calls him, and with the coach they threaten him to suspend him from the team if he doesn't talk, even though Charlie defends his brother. Later, Will and the teammate compromised convince him of not to talk, they're a team, besides they think the suspension won't be applied. But Charlie tells Bailey in the basement that he won't be a bartender forever so he, Julia and Claudia can do whatever they want, whatever they feel right, he has to think in his future, like a football scholarship. Although wasn't easy to decide, Bailey finally does well by defending the team, if he talked about who damaged the window, probably some guys of the team would beat him up badly (and look him badly) during all season (this was implied by the teammate when Bailey thought about talking). Too bad that the coach, the principal and Charlie didn't see that. And then, the last 2 scene with the brothers was great: the next day in Salinger's at the morning, Bailey tells Charlie that he decided to accept the suspension because it's the right thing and he hopes he could understand. Also, he said that he knows it's not fair to him be in charge, the guardian for them, so he will take care of himself, that way Charlie won't worry about him. Still, Charlie probably felt guilty to hear that, that he was being selfish, so surely to assure his brother that he supports him and will be there for him, he orders the favourite lunch for him. That was a good scene for them, showing that they care about each other and that Charlie won't be selfish and leave his siblings alone.

In Julia's case, she just couldn't say no to big parties in the house. She just wanted not to be ignored by Nina, Abby (the partying girls), so made the house the place for that, and in a second night, the place for the girls to fool around with their boyfriends. The third night, things get out of control, and the party is so big and loud that Bailey's lava lamp is broken, a guy uses Owen's bottle to drink, and Claudia's tent is used to smoke (and not cigars). Charlie can't stop it because he's not considered an authoritative figure for Julia, not yet, still, he won't call the police probably to not upset her. But when Claudia made her see that everything was getting out of control, she stopped being selfish and stopped the free partying. At some point, you have to look the people around you and check your actions are not hurting them. Anyway, it seems Nina ended not being a selfish person after all, considering she made amends with Julia. She visited the house to give Julia a lava lamp to replace the one which was broken in the party, and accepted to see Claudia playing the violin (unlike Brittany Murphy's character).

As for Charlie-Kirsten-George, well, Kirsten was wrong all along. First, Charlie decides to ask her out again, but she says the same thing she told Bailey about the night of the game, she has other plans, a concert. He thinks they can go, but she says she already planned to go with George. He can't believe she's dating a lawyer, so she says that if he didn't cancel their date 2 weeks ago (another mistake in the script, it's one week ago not two), she wouldn't be dating George, still she seems to like him. Charlie says that he was trying to be nobbler than he usually is, she doesn't get him, so he says it won't happen again. Then, she starts talking about George, but he doesn't want to hear it, and goes upstairs. This scene tells that Charlie realized that canceling the date wasn't a good idea after all, because Kirsten still works in the house as Owen's nanny, so seeing her everyday won't change his wishes of getting together, and will hurt him even more if she dates someone else. Anyway, she keeps ordering Owen's clothes, does some cleaning, and then Charlie asks her about how to handle Bailey's situation with the principal. They share an apple (curious detail given their future), and she tells that he could ask George as he's a lawyer. So Charlie goes to his work place, and asks about George, the "best lawyer of the universe", and there he's told that by the receptionist that George is actually a paralegal. So, obviously glad to hear that, he returns home to give Kirsten the news. But, while holding Owen, she prepares some pesto for George, and keeps talking about him, so Charlie decides to play a little. He asks her about George's experience, if she ever visited his workplace, which school he went, and only then, reveals the truth. Stunned, she passes Owen to him, and leaves to verify the truth. Later, she tells Charlie that she ended the thing with George, she can't start something that way, with a lie. He says he's sorry, as she seems upset, but she blasts him for the way he played with the questions, and thinks he doesn't care about her, only about himself. Still, I know she got it wrong. She accused Charlie of being selfish but she didn't look at herself. I mean, Charlie canceled their date a week ago, but that doesn't give her the right to be around him talking always about George. She knew Charlie likes her and she knew Bailey or Julia could have a problem with Charlie dating her (it's pretty obvious), so there's no need to provoke him talking about how good George was. As for Charlie, he did the right thing by telling her the truth, George was lying, it's not ok to hide it. Also, about the scene when the two men met, it's obvious that George's story about the Peace Corps in Cameroon is a big lie, poor Charlie, he couldn't even know where is Cameroon. Anyway, what he did wrong was to say I'm sorry when Kirsten told she ended the thing with George. Was a bad choice of words. Finally, seems that Bailey is the good guy of the show, but I know what happened in the rest of the series, and he wasn't selfless many times.

To finish, I'd like to praise the score, the theme that is played at the end of the episode and the credits of season 1 is perfect, a wonderful sweet melody. The ending scene was kind of perfect, showing a sad Bailey sitting on the stairs of the real house in SF, at the sunset, and Kirsten comforting him for being totally selfless. When she leaves, he looks at the landscape and smiles.
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