The Bionic Woman: Motorcycle Boogie (1977)
Season 3, Episode 7
An absurd romp down nostalgia lane
4 July 2021
Well, it was nice to be eleven years old again for an hour. Evel Knievel and the Bionic Woman in the same show ? Could you get any more 1977 than that if you tried ? If you want to be po-faced about it, the wafer-thin plot borders on non-existent most of the time and the show is little more than Jaime doing bionics and Evel doing motorcycle stunts and if you want to be REALLY po-faced about it, it is clearly both a totally shameless plug for Evel Knievel and a totally shameless attempt to boost ratings for The Bionic Woman. But I LOVED this. Lots of spectacular action shots and several absolute laugh out like lines in the banter between Jaime and Evel. If you aren't at least smiling after this utterly preposterous and absurd episode than your soul is dead.

Not the greatest ever episode but one that people of a certain age probably remember most of all about The Bionic Woman. Great fun.

Does this review contain spoilers ? C'mon what plot was there to spoil ?
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