Review of Die Hard

Die Hard (1988)
The best quality
4 July 2021
Die Hard is one of many action films made in the 1980s. Part of them weren't very good but some are real classics. This first Die Hard movie is one of those classics. Other Die Hard movies aren't as good as the first though I think Die Hard 3 and 4 are very good too. Before Die Hard series Bruce Willis was just a television actor. John McTiernan is the director of the movie.

On Christmas Eve John McClane (Willis) who is a police from New York comes to Los Angeles to meet his estranged wife Holly (Bonnie Bedelia) who works for the Nakatomi Corporation. The company is holding a party at Nakatomi Plaza where Holly is invited too. Soon after John and Holly has argued Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman) who is a West German former political radical and his armed henchmen take control of the building. They are going to steal 640 million dollars.

The movie is very exciting. The chemistry between the main characters John McClane and Hans Gruber is the most important thing why Die Hard is so good movie. McClane is a traditional hero character who opposes crime. Willis brings much rough charisma to his character. McClane's sense of humour is also very ruthless. Gruber is a manipulative criminal and mastermind. He is very cool and insensitive man. Rickman was even better as Gruber than Willis as McClane. His role work is of the highest quality. Gruber's very violent henchman Karl is totally crazy guy and memorable character. Gruber is maybe the best movie villain ever. The Plot isn't too simple. I think action scenes are more credible because computers and special effects don't play a big role in the movie.

In my opinion Die Hard is best action movie ever. 10/10.
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